
Showing posts from August, 2022

How Faith Works

Do your best to improve your faith by adding goodness, understanding, self-control, patience, devotion to God, concern for others, and love. If you keep growing in this way, it will show that what you know about our Lord Jesus Christ has made your lives useful and meaningful. 2 Peter 1:5‭-‬8 CEV You can now see that we please God by what we do and not only by what we believe. Just as the body is dead without breath, so also faith is dead without good works. James 2:26 Please subscribe to my Youtube and Podcast channels to listen to the full message. Lin.ks on my bio. https :// Have a great day!🌹⚘🌹 #StartYourDayWithJesus #MorningDevotion #Faith #Worship #Word #Jesus #Love #God

Why Are You Here?

Do you know your life's job description on earth? No wonder Scriptures encourage us to seek God's kingdom FIRST and His righteousness, because every other thing is "jara" and shall be added to us. This message is reminding us that the WHOLE DUTY of man is to fear God and keep His commandments. And guess what? That is the conclusion of the whole matter. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes 12:13 Please subscribe to my Youtube and Podcast channels to listen to the full message. Lin.ks on my bio. Have a victorious week!🌹⚘🌹 #StartYourDayWithJesus #MorningDevotion #Faith #Worship #Word #Jesus #Love #God

Enjoy Victory This Week

God sees all the challenges you're faced with, and is assuring you this morning that He's right there with you, in the fire and in the storm. So you will not be consumed nor drown under life's circumstances. See His promise; When you pass through deep waters, I will be with you; your troubles will not overwhelm you. When you pass through fire, you will not be burned; the hard trials that come will not hurt you. Isaiah 43:2 GNT Beloved, the Lord preserves you! Enjoy victory this week! Please subscribe to my Youtube and Podcast channels to listen to the full message. Lin.ks on my bio. https :// Have a victorious week!🌹⚘🌹 #StartYourDayWithJesus #MorningDevotion #Faith #Worship #Word #Jesus #Love #God

Jesus Loves You Completely

  You know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty he could make you rich. 2 Corinthians 8:9 NLT Jesus loves you completely and died for you intentionally, so that you can live victoriously. Therefore, you are no longer under the curse of the law because the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free. Live free! 2 Corinthians 8:9 Please subscribe to my Youtube and Podcast channels to listen to the full message. Lin.ks on my bio. https :// Have a lovely weekend!🌹⚘🌹 #StartYourDayWithJesus #MorningDevotion #Faith #Worship #Word #Jesus #Love #God

God Is On Your Matter; Keep Believing!

No matter how life feels like right now, know that God is working behind the scenes to bring His plan to pass in your life. Keep believing!  Trust in the Lord completely. Do not think that you understand things well enough for yourself. Whatever you are doing, remember that the Lord is with you. Then he will show you the right way to go. Proverbs 3:5‭-‬6 EASY Please subscribe to my Youtube and Podcast channels to listen to the full message. Lin.ks on my bio. https :// Have a glorious day!🌹⚘🌹 #StartYourDayWithJesus #MorningDevotion #Faith #Worship #Word #Jesus #Love #God

Come Boldly Ask Confidently

  Since we have this confidence, we can also have great boldness before him, for if we ask anything agreeable to his will, he will hear us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we also know that we have obtained the requests we ask of him. 1 John 5:14‭-‬15 TPT Please subscribe to my Youtube and Podcast channels to listen to the full message. Lin.ks on my bio. https :// Have a glorious day!🌹⚘🌹 #StartYourDayWithJesus #MorningDevotion #Faith #Worship #Word #Jesus #Love #God

God Has Not Forsaken You

  Though we experience every kind of pressure, we’re not crushed. At times we don’t know what to do, but quitting is not an option. We are persecuted by others, but God has not forsaken us. We may be knocked down, but not out. 2 Corinthians 4:8‭-‬9 TPT Please subscribe to my Youtube and Podcast channels to listen to the full message. Lin.ks on my bio. https :// Have a miraculous week!🌹⚘🌹 #StartYourDayWithJesus #MorningDevotion #Faith #Worship #Word #Jesus #Love #God

Who Has Your "Mumu" Button?

  So, this is what I say: Let God's Spirit show you how to live in a good way. Then you will not do the wrong things that you may want to do, as people who are weak and human. The things that you want to do as a weak person are opposite to the things that God's Spirit wants. The things that God's Spirit wants are the opposite of what we want as weak people. Our own thoughts fight against what God's Spirit wants us to do. As a result, you are not free to do the things that you really want to do. But if God's Spirit leads you, then the rules of God's Law have no authority over you. Galatians 5:16‭-‬18 EASY Please subscribe to my Youtube and Podcast channels to listen to the full message. Lin.ks on my bio. https :// Have a beautiful weekend!🌹⚘🌹 #StartYourDayWithJesus #MorningDevotion #Faith #Worship #Word #Jesus #Love #God

Change Your Mind

  What if you change your mind about circumstances surrounding you and begin to see them in the light of God's Word? I bet your peace level will increase and your result will come faster! Please subscribe to my Youtube and Podcast channels to listen to the full message. Lin.ks on my bio. https :// Have a rewarding day!🌹⚘🌹 #StartYourDayWithJesus #MorningDevotion #Faith #Worship #Word #Jesus #Love #God

Your Breakthrough Is Closer Than You Think

  Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you. Instead, be very glad—for these trials make you partners with Christ in his suffering, so that you will have the wonderful joy of seeing his glory when it is revealed to all the world. 1 Peter 4:12‭-‬13 NLT So when all these things begin to happen, stand and look up, for your salvation is near!” Luke 21:28 NLT Please subscribe to my Youtube and Podcast channels to listen to the full message. Lin.ks on my bio. https :// Have a rewarding day!🌹⚘🌹 #StartYourDayWithJesus #MorningDevotion #Faith #Worship #Word #Jesus #Love #God

Allow The Holy Spirit To Help You

  But the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will help you remember everything that I have told you. Jhn 14:26 AMP Please subscribe to my Youtube and Podcast channels to listen to the full message. Lin.ks on my bio. https :// Have a rewarding day!🌹⚘🌹 #StartYourDayWithJesus #MorningDevotion #Faith #Worship #Word #Jesus #Love #God

God Will Exceed Your Expectations

  Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you. Ephesians 3:20 TPT Please subscribe to my Youtube and Podcast channels to listen to the full message. Lin.ks on my bio. https :// Have a fulfilling week!🌹⚘🌹 #StartYourDayWithJesus #MorningDevotion #Faith #Worship #Word #Jesus #Love #God

Commit Your Plans To God

  This week and beyond, make it a point of duty to commit your plans into God's hands, then watch Him bring it pass! Trust also in Him and He'll establish the works of your hands. Proverbs 16:3 Please subscribe to my Youtube and Podcast channels to listen to the full message. Lin.ks on my bio. https :// Have a fulfilling week!🌹⚘🌹 #StartYourDayWithJesus #MorningDevotion #Faith #Worship #Word #Jesus #Love #God

Stubborn Faith Moves Mountains

While you wait for for the fulfilment of God's promise over your life, resist the urge to doubt or be anxious. Insist and stand upon God's Word, it will surely come to pass! Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Ephesians 6:13 NIV Please subscribe to my Youtube and Podcast channels to listen to the full message. Lin.ks on my bio. https :// Have a beautiful weekend!🌹⚘🌹 #StartYourDayWithJesus #MorningDevotion #Faith #Worship #Word #Jesus #Love #God

God Will Help You

Everyone who hates you will be terribly disgraced; those who attack will vanish into thin air. You will look around for those brutal enemies, but you won't find them— they will be gone. I am the Lord your God. I am holding your hand, so don't be afraid. I am here to help you. Isaiah 41:11‭-‬13 CEV Please subscribe to my Youtube and Podcast channels to listen to the full message. Lin.ks on my bio. https :// Have a productive week!🌹⚘🌹 #StartYourDayWithJesus #MorningDevotion #Faith #Worship #Word #Jesus #Love #God

How To Win In Life

  You can win life's battles with God's Word. It's a two-edged sword for attack and defence. When the enemy throws arrows of fear, doubt, anxiety and worry, you can use the sword of the Spirit to pull them down. You are more than conquerors! 2 Corinthians 10:4 https :// Have a productive week!🌹⚘🌹 #StartYourDayWithJesus #MorningDevotion #Faith #Worship #Word #Jesus #Love #God

Worry Does Not Change Anything

“This is why I tell you to never be worried about your life, for all that you need will be provided, such as food, water, clothing—everything your body needs. Isn’t there more to your life than a meal? Isn’t your body more than clothing?  So, which one of you by worrying could add anything to your life? Refuse to worry about tomorrow, but deal with each challenge that comes your way, one day at a time. Tomorrow will take care of itself.” Matthew 6:25‭, ‬27‭, ‬34 TPT  Have a beautiful day! 🌹⚘🌹  #StartYourDayWithJesus  #MorningDevotion #Faith #Worship  #Word #Jesus  #Love #God

Secrets Of Receiving From God

Make God the utmost delight and pleasure of your life, and he will provide for you what you desire the most. Delight yourself in God and He will grant you the desires if your heart. Psalms 34:7 Please subscribe to my and Pod.cast channels. 😊 https ://  Have a beautiful day! 🌹⚘🌹 #StartYourDayWithJesus #MorningDevotion #Faith #Worship #Word #Jesus #Love #God

While You Wait, Stand!

Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Ephesians 6:13 N IV Please subscribe to my and Pod.cast channels. 😊 https :// Happy New Month! 🌹⚘🌹 #StartYourDayWithJesus #MorningDevotion #Faith #Worship #Word #Jesus #Love #God

It's Time To Level Up

For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. Romans 8:19 KJV See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15‭-‬16 NKJV Please subscribe to my and Pod.cast channels. 😊 https :// Happy New Month! 🌹⚘🌹 #StartYourDayWithJesus #MorningDevotion #Faith #Worship #Word #Jesus #Love #God